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Trump Causing Civil War - Zod & Drea

Is The United States Preparing For A Civil War? #131

Yes, Hillary Won

The United States had elected a woman for president in 2016. By nearly three million votes, Hillary Clinton had won the popular vote much like Al Gore did in 2000. However, due to the Electoral College, the underdog is able to skate into the role of president despite being less popular. As a result, the system elected Donald Trump, a tv game show host with zero political experience, as representative of the United States. And he can start a civil war.

Trump Causing Civil War - Zod & DreaFrom the beginning, Trump campaigned on a Nationalism platform which favored toward White people who were able to look past his personal flaws and extreme inexperience for someone who was the opposite of Barack Obama. After Obama bailed the country out of a recession, kept a good standing globally in the eyes of the world, fought against a Republican Congress led by Mitch McConnell who fought hard to make him a “one-term” president, White American still couldn’t accept being led by someone darker than a paper bag. So, they revolted.

The White Revolt

This revolt led to choosing a megalomaniac who stated he needed to make America great again. “Again”. There’s no time in history when America had been great for every one of it’s citizens…except for White ones. Hiring White nationalists such as Steve Bannon of Breitbart and Stephen Miller, (of whose own uncle had denounced his racist actions against groups of Americans and those seeking asylum) and creating in his own words, “a muslim ban” as well as embracing White supremacists, pretending not to know who David Duke is, and calling White supremacists “very fine people” after the Charlottesville, VA, killing of Heather Heyer, his dog whistles are now war sirens.

Trump Causing Civil War - Zod & DreaEminent Civil War?

Yet, the largely White American population, who find their numbers shrinking toward becoming a minority in a country they feel are entitled, decided this was the best person to represent them. The division between people of color and various religions and the White Evangelists are beginning to draw a line in the sand. It’s taken two years as president and the two years of him campaigning before people realize how hard that line scrapes through. Some already knew from the door and others took too long since it hasn’t affected them yet.  Some Black Trump supporters are even coming out of the woodwork claiming their loyalty to the same man who won’t apologize for the birther movement of the first Black president. He won’t apologize for his calling of the death penalty of the Central Park 5; men accused and jailed for a crime they never committed. He views people of color as inconvenient an will only listen to mentally ill or Steppin Fetchit-type Black people like Kanye West and Candace Owen (the new Omarosa).

Seeking Asylum in the United States

The law on the books for people seeking asylum is they’re allowed to file at port of entry into the United States. With zero proof of voter fraud, Trump has constantly berated and painted South Americans as criminals. With nearly 7,000 of Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Mexicans heading toward the border, Trump’s response was to send the military to deny them all entry. This, of course, was after his hardline of imprisoning them for seeking asylum and dividing their families all over the country for months.

Trump Causing Civil War - Zod & DreaHow much of these un-American tactics are the citizens of the U.S. going to take before a Civil War occurs? The division through Trump’s rhetoric of calling the media the “Enemy of the people“, his rallies of festering White people in red hats frothing at the mouth repeating everything he says, the result of indoctrinated Trump supporters attempting to kill people, actual killings at places of worship,… When will the pot tip over? Because Black and Brown people,…the larger majority of them won’t stand for any more racism in the country where they’re not the children of invaders or pillagers. Whose side will you choose if a Civil War breaks out? Because one thing I do know is Trump will pretend his rhetoric had nothing to do with it as he finishes his Mein Kampf book watching the country burn.

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