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Remembering September 11, 2001 - Zod & Drea

Remembering September 11 And It’s Place In American History #126

September 11, 2001

Remember 9/11 - Zod & DreaSeptember 11, 2001 was a time in American history which had cemented itself firmly. The official government report release stated 19 hijackers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon had trained themselves to fly complicated jet airliners while in the states. They used this training to hijack four planes from Newark NJ, Dulles, VA, and two from Boston, MA with boxcutters. Two planes flew directly into the World Trade Centers 1 and 2. One landed in a field in Shanksville, PA, and the other crashed into the Pentagon.

Despite conspiracy theories about WTC building 7, the lack of missing plane parts at the Pentagon and Shanksville, or the towers falling, people died. Real people were killed and September 11 became synonymous with “terror”. The response to that day varied across the country and the only thing American citizens had in common was to get Osama Bin Laden, the man who was charged as responsible party to the nearly 3,000 people who had been killed that day. Following this event (which was the largest and most recent memorable terror attack since the Oklahoma City bombing), Americans united.

Osama Bin Laden - 9/11 - Zod & DreaThe Aftermath of a Tragedy

There were flags flown from everybody’s doorstep. The solidarity of each citizen for each other was strengthened. In a way, September 11th was a rally cry for the country to put aside differences and unite as a force. President Bush and Congress seized on that moment and began a war against Iraq (who had nothing to do with 9/11) and Afghanistan, the country of which Saudi native, Osama Bin Laden was taking residence. The war in Iraq ended in 2011 after eight years and the war in Afghanistan is still continuing after 17 years. There have been many more soldiers and civilians who have died overseas than in the towers.

Generation Gaps and Their Effect on Historic Tragedies

So, where does this leave this particular tragedy in history? The mantra is always “Never Forget” yet, when brought up the topic of slavery, those who feel no connect to it respond with “Get over it.” They don’t say that about the Holocaust. They don’t say that about Confederate statues or the rebel flag; the flag of the losers and traitors. Instead, they fly it high. Yet, 9/11 is always getting praise to never forget what happened that day despite the people today as high school juniors and seniors have no recollection about the day. Soon, 9/11 will mean the same thing as “Remember Pearl Harbor” is to Generation Xers or “Remember the Alamo” to Baby Boomers.

The Decline in Interest of 9/11/2001

Remember 9/11 - Zod & DreaAfter year one, there were large ceremonies dedicated to the victims who died in those four planes and falling buildings. After about 5 years, it was a little less. Then, after 10 years, a little more. Now, almost 20 years later, there’s simply a mention as the current news cycle takes over. So, is September 11 being forgotten and going the way of slavery? With a new generation born, are we ready to place the day in a box saying “It was so long ago”? No historical event is above any other and all should be studied, analyzed and remembered from generation to generation. Let’s talk about the place in history 9/11 was, and were it is going.


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