Zod and Drea, LLC


5 Reasons Trump Supporters Defend White Supremacy #062

Trump supports will fight to defend their beloved President no matter how obviously unethically, immorally and selfishly he acts or speaks. Trump has proven with his words and actions over decades that he does not support racial and gender equality. Why do his supporters commit to defending his actions? Did his campaign promises with underlining racial

5 Reasons Trump Supporters Defend White Supremacy #062 Read More »

Why Is The Opioid Crisis Suddenly Important To America? #061

Opioid addiction has grown into a full-blown health crisis affecting this country. The question we are asking is “Why is this important to Americans now?” Politicians are suddenly changing their rehetoric from “Fighting the war on drugs” to “We must help Americans recover from opioid addiction.” Previous administrations, such as Nixon and Reagan, created their

Why Is The Opioid Crisis Suddenly Important To America? #061 Read More »