Zod and Drea, LLC


Do Traditional Standards Affect A Modern-Day Relationship? #20

It’s 2016 and things aren’t like how how grandparents were growing up.  We have legalized gay marriage, interracial relationships are legalized as well and a growing demographic. But also culturally, many have crossed over and even adopted other religions as their own to accommodate their partnership. Some men still ask the family’s permission to become […]

Do Traditional Standards Affect A Modern-Day Relationship? #20 Read More »

boys - zod and drea

Is There A Time or Place When the “Boys Will Be Boys” Behavior is Acceptable? #016

We’ve heard the term before: “Boys will be boys”.  Usually, it’s a coy response to boys or men just doing common behavior reminiscent of boys.  However, after the Trump campaign went into defense mode for Donald Trump and Billy Bush on a bus speaking about women in a way which could be construed as sexual

Is There A Time or Place When the “Boys Will Be Boys” Behavior is Acceptable? #016 Read More »

Interracial - zod and drea

Do Interracial Relationships Strengthen or Weaken American Culture? #013

In American culture, we’re designed to be a melting pot of language, color, creed, and more.  Yet, it’s been a turbulent time with those who feel they have a superior culture compared to others and make sure others abide by their supposed “greatness”. So, they feel America is weakened. Yet, through diversity, we’ve had some

Do Interracial Relationships Strengthen or Weaken American Culture? #013 Read More »

Friends with ex - Zod and Drea

How Can Significant Others Who Are Friends with Their Ex Affect a Current Relationship? #008

Sometimes that ex-boyfriend or girlfriend can come in handy. They may have morphed into a best friend and one you can’t be without as a true sidekick. Or maybe that new bestie is after something in your current relationship? Who can tell these days? Well, we have BlossomAZ aka Connie J visiting us again to

How Can Significant Others Who Are Friends with Their Ex Affect a Current Relationship? #008 Read More »

Online Dating - zod and drea

Has Social Media Affected the Dating Scene for Better or for Worse? #006

The Social Network game has changed for a lot of people. There have been great hookups and breakups via social media. But how has it affected the dating scene? Some people have started dating from old flames using Facebook and Instagram yet others find the new methods of linking up as something temporary. Let’s see

Has Social Media Affected the Dating Scene for Better or for Worse? #006 Read More »

First Date - zod and dre

Society Dictates for Men to Pay on the First Date. When is the Opposite True? Podcast #005

Men have been paying for first dates since the beginning of time and women have happily played the role of allowing them to do so.  But after the feminist movement, men have asked why they should any more?  Women have relied on chivalry as an excuse and some believe going dutch is the answer. But

Society Dictates for Men to Pay on the First Date. When is the Opposite True? Podcast #005 Read More »