Zod and Drea, LLC

Author name: Zod & Drea

We are a regular couple exploring life together and each week bringing you news and conversations we've discussed among each other or with friends. Check us out on our podcast each week to join in on our discussions.

In What Ways Have Gender Roles Changed for Newer Generations? #038

Things aren’t the same as in your grandparent’s days. Remember seeing those old commercials on TV or in old magazines where women were advertised to through soap operas or magazines for such items as vacuum cleaners and washing machines? And men were always in suits bragging about bringing home the bacon while the wife cooked […]

In What Ways Have Gender Roles Changed for Newer Generations? #038 Read More »

How Does the Role of God or Religion Influence Your LIfe? #037

There are people who believe in absolutely no being higher than humans. The philosophy is simple: we’re born to die and disappear. No soul, no heaven, no hell. Others believe in a higher deity of some sort and call him/her by different names: God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha.. Is it natural to believe in a higher

How Does the Role of God or Religion Influence Your LIfe? #037 Read More »

What Does It Take To Have A Successful Long-Distance Relationship? #034

Long distance relationships aren’t always easy. At one point, you two met, fell for each other and suddenly there are a lot of miles and time between yourselves. For some, “absence makes the heart grow fonder” and for others, “out of sight, out of mind.” But what is it about long-distance that’s different than someone

What Does It Take To Have A Successful Long-Distance Relationship? #034 Read More »

Race Relationships - Zod and Drea

Have Racial Relationships Improved Since the Civil Rights Era? Podcast #004

We can name the leaders, the movements, the locations and the protests but has anything changed since then? Are Blacks, Women and other Minorities living the same dream as the White American? Over 50 years have passed; now let’s discuss the current state of race relations in America 2016. Since the Civil Rights Era, have

Have Racial Relationships Improved Since the Civil Rights Era? Podcast #004 Read More »